Ana Bueno

Hello, my name is Ana Bueno.
I am a current Front-End developer
and future Full-Stack developer
Web Developer | Front-End
uma selfie pessoal

I have been practicing Full Stack Development for 9 months, with proficiency in HTML, CSS, SASS, LESS, JavaScript, Python, Git, Gulp, Grunt and frameworks like Bootstrap and jQuery.

Since then, I've built e-commerce projects that present innovative and efficient solutions to business challenges, demonstrating my skills in clean coding, advanced programming logic, and a keen focus on user experience.

I am driven by a passion for creating and improving, always striving for excellence in my projects. I am committed to bringing not only my technical experience but also a strong sense of responsibility, adaptability, and a continuous desire to learn.


Alquimia na Serra
Foto do projeto Alqumia na Serra (Restaurante)

This project is a craft brewery, created to promote the events and tastings available on-site. It features resources such as a beer catalog, non-alcoholic beverages, desserts, and main dishes. The site includes photos and descriptions of the ambiance, as well as the events that can be reserved through the contact tab, which allows sending messages and obtaining more information about directions to the location.

Med Shop
Foto do projeto Med Shop (E-commerce)

This project is an online store for medical equipment and pharmaceutical products, created to facilitate the purchasing support of items (which are separated by medical areas). It features a 'characteristics' tab with specific product details, a 'purchase' option, and for queries, there is the provision for customers to send a personalized message through the 'Contact' tab by clicking the 'question' button.

Averages Calculator
Foto do projeto Beauty-Skin (E-commerce)

This project is an average calculator that operates based on the grade entered by the user at the beginning. If the grade for the subject is higher than the set average, the student passes the subject (celebratory emoji); if not, the student fails (sad emoji). Depending on the number of subjects, if the final average is equal to or higher than the selected grade, it determines whether the student has passed or not.

Costantino Ottaviano Clinical Hospital of Teresópolis

03 / 06 / 2023 – currently

Young Apprentice in Administrative Occupations

  • Communicate with patients and visitors seeking information about discharge or transfer;
  • Responsible for organizing the medical records of patients admitted to three clinics within the hospital;
  • Ensure all admitted patients have the necessary documentation before their departure; handle all related protocols;
  • Enhanced soft skills in the role include interpersonal communication, time management, adaptability, negotiation, and organization

Brazilian Robotics Olympiad

08 / 05 / 2023


  • Responsible for communicating the competition order to each team;
  • In charge of guiding teams to their competition areas along with the referees;
  • Assigned to photograph the event and share it on social media

Hackathon: Unifeso Challenge

10 / 07 / 2023 - 10 / 08 / 2023

Competing Team

  • Tasked with creating a page or slide that reflected solutions to the problem;
  • Responsible for promoting a project/idea to solve a problem in the Teresópolis city;
  • Designated to develop the Front-End of the designed page
Go travel
Foto aleatória de uma vista
To read
Foto de um livro
To cook
Foto de verduras e legumes em uma mesa
To paint
Foto do pintas e um pincel na mesa
Listen to music
Foto uma rosa em cima de um livro de música
To code
Foto de codigos de programação
